Tim Clayfield, Dr

Global Technology Leader
Dow Europe GmbH
Dow Elastomers
Bachtobelstrasse 3
Horgen Switzerland 8810
Email: TClayfield@dow.com

Biographical Sketch:
Tim is the Global Technology Leader for NORDEL EPDM. He has a PhD in Polymer Physics from UMIST in Manchester, England. He joined Dow in 1989 in product R&D for chlorinated polyethylene, and move to product development for polyolefin elastomers in 1993. From 1996 to 2005 he worked at DuPont Dow Elastomers in TS&D and in Business Development, before returning to Dow in his current role.

109 CANCELLED: Improved Adhesion to Reinforcement Fibers In Peroxide-Cured EPDM Compounds