Nikos Hadjichristidis

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Bldg Ibn Sina (#3) West, Level 4, Room 4219
Thuwal Saudi Arabia 23955-6900

Biographical Sketch:
Nikos Hadjichristidis received his BSc from the University of Athens, Greece, and his PhD from the University of Liege, Belgium. He did postdoctoral research at the National Research Council of Canada and the University of Akron. In 1988 he became Professor and in 2010 Emeritus Professor at the University of Athens, Department of Chemistry. From September 2011 is Professor of Chemical Sciences at KAUST. He has received many awards including: the ACS PMSE A. K. Doolittle Award (2003), the International Award of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ, 2007), the ACS PMSE Cooperative Research Award (2010) and the ACS, Rubber Division, Chemistry of Thermoplastic Elastomers Award (2011). His research interest focuses mainly on the synthesis and properties of model polymers and he has published more than 450 papers in referred scientific journals, 16 patents, four books (editor), and is the author of one book on Block Copolymers (Wiley 2003).

Well-Defined Polyethylenes and Polyethylene-Based Block Copolymers By Anionic Polymerization and Polyhomologation