John S. Dick

Senior Scientist, Applications
Alpha Technologies U.S.
3030 Gilchrist Road
Akron, OH
USA 44305

Biographical Sketch:
John Dick has over thirty five years of experience in the rubber industry. He was with BF Goodrich and later Uniroyal Goodrich Tire Co. as a Section Manager and Development Scientist in R & D until 1991 when he joined Monsanto's Rubber Instruments Group (now Alpha Technologies) as a Senior Marketing Technical Service specialist. Mr. Dick has authored over 80 journal and magazine publications including four books on rubber technology. He has consulted, presented technical papers or given seminars in over 36 countries. Some of Mr. Dick’s publications have been translated into eight languages. He received the Monsanto Master Technical Service Award in 1994, the ACS Rubber Division “Best Paper Award” in 1995 and the University of Akron and University of Wisconsin Appreciation Awards in 1998 and 2005 respectively for Teaching rubber compounding and testing courses in their continuing education programs.

Evolution of RPA Test Methodologies for the Rubber Industry