Finite Element Simulation of Time-Dependent Effects Using a Microstructure-Based Model for Filled Elastomers

Monday, March 24, 2014: 2:00 PM
Rathan Raghunath1, Daniel Juhre1, Manfred Klüppel2 and Hagen Lorenz3, (1)Simulation and Continuum Mechanics, German Institute of Rubber Technology (DIK), Hannover, Germany, (2)Material Concepts and Modeling, German Institute of Rubber Technology (DIK), Hannover, Germany, (3)Precision Engineering, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany
The so called physically motivated dynamic flocculation model (DFM) describes the filler-induced stress softening and hysteresis by the breakdown and reagglomeration of strained filler clusters. The parameters of the model are physical in nature. The simulation results show good accordance with the measured values for CB filled elastomers. However, the model is now only derived for quasi-static loading conditions.

The time-dependent effects in the polymer composite are dominated by the filler-filler interaction within the polymer matrix. Since the filler-filler interaction is explicitly described in the dynamic flocculation model through the stiffness of virgin and damaged filler clusters, extension of the model from time-independent to time-dependent behaviour are characterised by material parameters representing strength of clusters as time-dependent functions. The model is implemented into the FEM to enable FE simulations of complex rubber components with regard to the inelastic and time-dependent effects of filled elastomers.