Thursday Morning Session A: Advances In Tire Traction, Wear & Predictive Testing

Thursday, October 14, 2010: 8:00 AM-10:45 AM
Syed K. Mowdood, Pirelli Tyre SpA
8:00 AM
Investigation of Tire Longitudinal Relaxation Length and Its Effect on Dry Stopping Performance
Vladimir Roth1, KeJun Xie1, Jacob Kidney1 and John Turner2, (1)Advanced Tire Technology, Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, Akron, OH, (2)Advanced Tire Technology, Bridgestone Americas, Akron, OH
9:00 AM
9:15 AM
Optimizing Carbon Black to Balance Tire Wear and Rolling Resistance
Rainer Friehmelt1, Michael Heinz1 and Werner Niedermeier2, (1)Evonik Degussa GmbH, Köln, Germany, (2)Evonik Degussa GmbH, Hanau, Germany
9:45 AM
P-Aramid Pulp for Tire Reinforcement
Jeffrey Downey, Ph.D., Research and Business Development, DuPont Advanced Fibers, Kingston, ON, Canada and Deno Tsimpris, DuPont Advanced Fibers, Richmond, VA
10:15 AM
Viscoelastic Complexities of Elastomer-Particle Composites and Relevance to Prediction of Tire Tread Performance
Christopher G. Robertson, Terrence Hogan and Mindaugas Rackaitis, Bridgestone Americas, Center for Research and Technology, Akron, OH