Dr. Bruce Harrington ExxonMobil Chemical Co. BTEC-East, 4500 Bayway Dr. Baytown, TX USA 77520 Email: Bruce.A.Harrington@ExxonMobil.com Biographical Sketch: Education BS Chemistry, John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio (1984. PhD Chemistry, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (1989. Work History: Bruce Harrington has worked for ExxonMobil Chemical Co. since graduation. Initially he worked in Polymer Research, studying metallocene catalyst geometry/polymer architecture relationships. Some of this work included the synthesis of cyclic olefin copolymers with high temperature engineering properties and others as high strength elastomers. In 1996 he moved into the elastomer’s organization to do metallocene product development for a new solution metallocene process. During this time he contributed to the catalyst commercialization and new plastomer product development. In 2007 he moved into the Global Product Technology organization to help develop the Elevast™ Polymer Modifier business, which he’ll be talking about today. He is a 25-year member of the American Chemical Society’s PMSE and POLY Divisions. |