Dr. Martin Saewe Rhein Chemie Corp. 145 Parker Court Chardon, OH USA 44024 Email: martin.saewe@rheinchemie.com Biographical Sketch: Martin Saewe studied thermoplastics at the University of Applied Sciences in Reutlingen, graduating as a chemical engineer. He followed this up with studies at the Leibniz University in Hannover in polymer chemistry and postgraduate work at the German Rubber Institute (DIK), finishing with a PhD. Martin Saewe began his career in 1989 with a 3 years apprenticeship in a tannery. After his studies in chemistry, he started working for Rhein Chemie in Germany in 2002 in the applications development department. Taking over responsibility for several key accounts was followed by a position in marketing and sales for the EMEA region. Today, he’s global head of the Rubber Technology group at Rhein Chemie. |