Ali Kubba, MSc

Mr Ali Kubba, MSc
University of Birmingham
School of Mechanical Engineering
P.O. Box 363
Edgbaston Park Road
Birmingham United Kingdom B15 2TT

Biographical Sketch:
Ali Kubba is a PhD researcher at the University of Birmingham and is expected to graduate by June 2012. His research encompasses energy harvesting in vehicle pneumatic tyres and induced vibration. He holds a B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering and a M.Sc. degree in Applied Mechanics from Nahrain University in Baghdad, Iraq. He was awarded a Certificate of Outstanding Students (1st ranked) among all Iraqi University graduates in Mechanical Engineering in 2002. Prior joining the University of Birmingham he worked as a university lecturer. His expertise includes energy harvesting techniques, wireless sensor networks, computer programming, and numerical modeling using FEA software. Mr Kubba is an associate of the higher education academy in the UK and has a patent pending.