Philippe van Bogaert, ir Bogimac Dynamic Material Fatigue Testing Brusselsesteenweg 107 Grimbergen Belgium 1850 Email: pvbg@bogimac.com Biographical Sketch: Philippe van Bogaert (°1953) got a mechatronic engineering master degree at the Leuven university and works his whole career in design of industrial machinery. After 10 years at Picanol designing high speed weaving machinery, in 1991 he starts “bogimac” with a multidisciplinary team that provides engineering services to the belgian machine industry. In the last 10 years, bogimac focuses on manufacturing of dynamic fatigue testing equipment for flexible materials like belt/cord/rope/wire with man-made fibres or steel as rubber reinforcement. Their equipment is known for reliability, high speed multi-head performance, low deviation, low power & noise, ergonomics, reliability & “early warning” stop. Specific for the tire cord industry bogimac developed world-wide used “Bend-Rotation” (Hunter, Stuttgart) and different “Bend over Sheave” (Shoeshine) machines. Philippe's team investigates heavily by simulation & analysis to understand and improve the relevance between specimen degradation in test conditions compared to real life usage. |