31st Annual Meeting and Conference on Tire Science and Technology

The International Exposition (I-X) Center: Cleveland, OH, USA

Tuesday, September 18, 2012: 3:55 PM
Grand Ballroom (The International Exposition (I-X) Center)
Peter Kindt1, Cristobal Gonzalez Diaz1, Stijn Vercammen1, Christophe Thiry1, Jason Middelberg1, Bart Kimble2 and Jan Leyssens1, (1)Tire/Vehicle Mechanics, Goodyear S.A., Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg, (2)Tire/Vehicle Mechanics, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, OH
Based on the results of experimental and numerical analyses, the effect of rotation on the tire dynamic behavior is investigated. The main goal of this study is to investigate the process of accurately assessing and predicting the overall road induced vibrations and noise of a rotating tire. The presented work is performed in the framework of the European industry-academia project TIRE-DYN, with partners  Goodyear, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and LMS International. The effect of rotation on the tire dynamic behavior is quantified for different operating conditions of the tire, such as load and rotation speed. Through combined experimental and numerical analyses, the phenomena accounting for the observed rotation influence are described.