Erol Sancaktar

The University of Akron
Polymer Engineering
250 South Forge Street
Akron, OH
USA 44325-0301

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Erol Sancaktar received his Ph.D. (Eng. Mechanics) and M.S. (Mech. Eng.) degrees from Virginia Tech. He is a Fellow of ASME, and served as Chair of ASME Tech. Committee on Reliability Stress Analysis, and Failure Prevention (1997-2008). He served as Associate Editor for the ASME J. Mech. Design (1995-2006) and Medical Devices (2006-2013). Dr Sancaktar has also served as member of the Editorial Board of J. Adhesion Sci. and Tech. (1993-2013), Current Nanoscience (2009-2016), Int. J. Polymer Sci., as well as Recent Patents in Chemical Eng. since 2008, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology-ASIA since 2010, Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives since 2012, and J. Adhesion since 2013. Dr. Sancaktar organized 29 Conferences. He was a faculty member at the Mechanical Eng. Dept. at Clarkson University during 1978 to 1996 before joining Univ. Akron in 1996 as Professor of Polymer Eng. He has also been appointed professor of Mechanical Eng. in 2009. He edited 24 books, authored 96 refereed journal articles, 30 articles in books edited by others, including 2 chapters in ASM Engineered Materials Handbook, as well as two chapters in Handbook of Adhesion Technology by Springer. He has delivered 239technical presentations, and has 3 patents.

P-4 Carbon Nanotube- Ionic Liquid Nanofluid Interaction Study for the Application As Additive System in Elastomers