Elizabeth Carvalho Leite Cardoso

Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN
Av. Professor Lineu Prestes, 2242
São Paulo Brazil 05508-000
Email: eclacrdo@ipen.br

Biographical Sketch:
Is currently a doctoral student in the field of biodegradable PP foams with aliphatic polyesters and natural polymers. A Masters in Nuclear Materials Technology (IPEN / USP); Degree in Chemical Engineering from the Catholic University. Has published studies of polymeric foams, recycling of solid materials and elastomers. Previous and proven experience in the control and research laboratories of Union Carbide in Brazil.

58 Study of Processing Via Gamma Rays and Further Shear for Bromobutyl Rubber Reciclyng 93 Gamma-Irradiation Effect on Mechanical Properties of PP/EPDM Polymeric Blends