Failure of Classical Elasticity in Auxetic Foams

Tuesday, October 14, 2014: 2:00 PM
Session C-Rm #204 (Nashville Convention Center)
Peter Mott, Sc, D1, Joon Roh2, C. Michael Roland3 and Carl Giller2, (1)Chemistry Division, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, (2)Chemistry Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, (3)Chemistry Division, Naval Research Lab, Washington, DC
The lower bound customarily cited for Poisson’s ratio ν is −1, which was derived from the relationship between the bulk and shear moduli in classical elasticity. To test this theory, we measured ν for four materials, a polymeric rubber, a conventional soft foam, and two auxetic foams. We find that for the first two materials, having ν ≥ 0.2, the experimental determinations of Poisson’s ratio are in good agreement with values calculated from the equations of classical elasticity. However, for the auxetic foams (ν < 0), classical elasticity give values significantly different from the measured ν. We review how the customary lower bound for ν was derived, present a new analysis which demonstrates that the lower limit for ν is 1/5, and show how these results are consistent with this new analysis.