Sascha Kersten, S.

Prof. Dr. Ir.
University of Twente
Elastomer Technology & Engineering
Building Horst Drienerlolaan 5
Enschede Netherlands 7522NB

Biographical Sketch:
Sascha Kersten holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Amsterdam [1996]. His Master thesis was on modeling and control of complex chemical plants. He began his career at ECN (the Dutch Energy Foundation) working on modeling of dynamic systems. At ECN he also started to work on biomass conversions. In 2002, he finished his PhD thesis concerning biomass gasification in circulating fluidized beds [prof. Van Swaaij, University of Twente]. Since 2003 he is working at the University of Twente (UT) on thermo chemical conversions of biomass. In 2005 he was appointed coordinator bioenergy within in the UT institute IMPACT. Since 2011 he is full professor in Sustainable Process Technology. Research items are gasification, liquefaction, biofuels, biochemicals. biorefinery and prosperous recycling.

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