Designing Modern Process Promoters to Maximize the Performance of Silica Reinforcement in Tires – Part 2

Thursday, October 10, 2013: 1:30 PM
Session A - Room #18 (The International Exposition (I-X) Center)
Steven Monthey, Rhein Chemie Corporation, Rhein Chemie Corp., Chardon, OH, Jonathon M. Nienaber, Rhein Chemie, Chardon, OH and Martin Saewe, Application Technology, Rhein Chemie Rheinau GmbH, Mannheim, Germany
Designing Modern Process Promoters to Maximize the Performance of Silica Reinforcement in Tires – Part 2

In our first study of this new generation of process promoters for compounds containing high loading of silica, we showed how their unique design improved the processing and maintained the performance without loosing vital properties. During that initial testing an improvement in dynamic properties was observed but there was not enough data to confirm the improvement. Now addition testing has been completed showing the potential improvement in dynamics of these new process promoters. This paper will detail some of the testing performed and the results of that testing.