Cedric Schmitt

Ph. D. Cedric Schmitt
Rheolution Inc.
5795 De Gaspe av.
Montreal, QC
Canada H2S 2X3
Email: cedric.schmitt@rheolution.com

Biographical Sketch:
Cedric Schmitt is Vice-President of R&D and co-founder of Rheolution Inc. He is specialized in the mechanical characterization of materials, biomaterials and biological tissues, and has taken part in several R&D projects in Europe, Canada and the USA. Cedric’s holds a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from the University of Montreal. Because of his familiarity with various fields and his knowledge in the area of instrumentation, he was able to develop, together with his business partner, a new-generation mechanical measurement solution. This innovative technology serves customers from industrial R&D and QC to develop and to manufacture smarter and more performing elastomers.