Hagen Lorenz

Eupener Str. 33
Hannover Germany 30519
Email: Hagen.Lorenz@DIKautschuk.de

Biographical Sketch:
born: 18. 02. 1973 in Staßfurt, Germany education: 1992 -1998 study of physics, University „Otto von Guericke“, Magdeburg, Germany main emphasis on: numerical simulation of impact experiments Diploma Thesis about: fracture and de-lamination of adaptive materials systems working career: 1998 – 2004: co-worker, University of Magdeburg, Institute of Experimental Physics field of research: adaptive materials, modelling of adiabatic shear bands in nickel base alloys 2007 – : co-worker, German institute of rubber technology (DIK), Hanover, department of material concepts and modelling

39 Microstructure-Based Modelling and FE Implementation of Filler-Induced Stress Softening and Hysteresis of Reinforced Rubbers