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11 PAPER CANCELLED: Ecology –The Driving Force for the Extension of the Use of NR

Tuesday, October 13, 2009: 10:15 AM
329 (David L. Lawrence Convention Center )
Wanda B. Parasiewicz , Institute for Engineering of Polymer Materiales & Dyes,Elastomers & Rubber Technology Div, Piastow, Poland
Ecology –The Driving Force for the Extension of the Use of NR
 Natural rubber is still an important industrial polymer, but it continuously competes with a number of synthetic elastomers, such as styrene-butadiene rubber and polybutadiene, which are derived from by-products of petroleum and natural gas. The competition between NR and SR is the subject of interest of tyre and  rubber goods producers and the world trade economic situation. Recently  another significant aspect could influence the equilibrium. That is ecology.
The prospects for natural rubber over the next years have to be considered by the following aspects. The global NR supply/demand equilibrum influenced by actual world economic situation and ecological restriction. A recesion will reduce the demand but ecolgical restriction  will create a higher interest to tyre producers for increasing the share of NR in tyres.