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59 Development of Aqueous Bonding Agents: An Encompassing Approach to Provide Innovation for Tomorrow

Tuesday, October 13, 2009: 1:40 PM
326 (David L. Lawrence Convention Center )
Roger A. Cassell , Dow Advanced Materials, W. Alexandria, OH
Development of Aqueous Bonding Agents:
An encompassing approach to provide innovation for tomorrow
Designing Rubber to Metal Bonding (RtMB) systems is more demanding than ever before with economic, environmental and technological considerations playing a pivotal role in research and development. 
To accomplish the rising demand in product performance combined with the increasing requirements to develop for a
sustainable future, it is imperative that the product development process becomes a collaborative effort between customers and suppliers. 
Dow Advanced Materials’ vision for sustainability is one of the main drivers for our latest bonding system development program. These products exemplify this approach by reducing VOC’s, HAPS, re-work and scrap rates.  They also represent a benchmark in robustness in the production environment, thus contributing to a reduction in energy needs, waste and raw materials while increasing productivity.
This presentation will provide a brief summary of the recent developments and introduce a couple of new and interesting products for the Industrial and Automotive markets.